Sonnen Resort ****S
Hotel Sonnenhof GmbH
Rathausstraße 2
39025 Naturns, near Merano
Telephone: +39 0473 667250
Telefax: +39 0473 666050
E-Mail: hotel@
Responsible for content:
As per § 55 para. 2 RStV (Interstate Broadcasting Treaty): Annalise Brunner (address as above)
Company information
Business purpose: Hotel sector
Registry court: Commercial Registry Bolzano
Register number: 00501130215
Regulatory authorities: Bolzano
VAT identification number as per § 27 a VAT Act: 00501130215
Codice Destinatario: P62QHVQ
PEC: hotel-sonnenhof@
CIN-Code: IT021056A12GB7IH5K
Travel Insurance
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Hotel Sonnenhof GmbH assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or the quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the Hotel Sonnenhof GmbH, which refer to damage of a material or immaterial nature, caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information is fundamentally excluded, in so far as there is no demonstrable fault or grossly negligent culpability on the part of Hotel Sonnenhof GmbH. All offers are subject to alteration and are no-binding. The Hotel Sonnenhof GmbH expressly reserves the right to amend, add to, delete parts of these pages or the entire offer, with any specific notification and to cease publication temporarily or permanently.
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For direct or indirect references to external Internet sites, so-called ‘links’, which are not within the realm of responsibility of the Hotel Sonnenhof GmbH, a liability obligation will only come into force when the Hotel Sonnenhof GmbH has been aware of the content and it has been technically possible and feasible for them to prevent use of illegal content. The Hotel Sonnenhof GmbH hereby expressly declares that at the time the link was set, the relevant linked sites were free of any illegal content. The Hotel Sonnenhof GmbH has no influence on the current and future design, content and authorship of linked and connected sites. Hence the Hotel Sonnenhof GmbH hereby expressly distances itself from the content of all linked and connected sites which have been changed after the link setting. This statement applies to all links and references set within the specific Internet offer and also to external services arranged by these businesses, including guest books, discussion forums, mailing lists and the like. Any illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular, any damage arising from the use for non-use of the information provided, is solely the responsibility of the site provider referred to, not the site which merely referenced the respective publication via links.
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The Hotel Sonnenhof GmbH endeavours to respect the copyright of graphics, audio documents, video sequences and text used in all publications, to use its own graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts or to refer to royalty-free graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts. All protected brand names and trademarks stated with this Internet offer and, where applicable, of third parties are subject without restriction to the terms of the respective trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owner. It is not to be assumed that because a brand name is mentioned it is legally protected by a third party. The copyright for items published by and created by the Hotel Sonnenhof GmbH itself, remains solely with the author of those pages. Reproduction or use of such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or print publications is not permitted without the express approval of the Hotel Sonnenhof GmbH.
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With regard to the technical characteristics of the Internet, no liability can be assumed for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of information made available in the Internet. Similarly, no liability is assumed for the availability or operability of the homepage in question. Any liability for immediate, indirect or other damages, irrespective of their cause, which has arisen from the use or non-availability of the data and information on this homepage, is excluded, in so far as is legally permissible. The content of this homepage is copyright protected. Information is only intended for personal use. Every further use, in particular storage in data bases and any use for advertising purposes or forwarding to third parties, in part or in revised form, is not permitted without consent from the respective organisation. Any integration of individual pages of our offer in external frames is not permitted.
In so far as parts or specific formulations of this text do not, no longer or do not fully meet applicable legal requirements, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in terms of their content and validity.
Image material
- Sonnen Resort
- Pexels
- Pixabay
Design & Implementation
BlueChip Software GmbH
Hochtennstraße 30 | 5700 Zell am See, Austria
T +43 6542 575840 | F +43 6542 575844 | E office@ |
Digital Marketing & Marketing Automation for Hotels
Zona Industriale 1/5 - Eurocenter | 39011 Lana, Italy
T +39 0473 538800 | E info@ |